"GOLDBRICKERS" by Art-Bob. Who could believe that these healthy robust young fellows could fool anyone into thinking they were sick? But when the "old man" has assigned a particularly unpleasant task, who could blame them for reporting into sick bay, (Remember Mr. Roberts)? All the same sometimes we're inclined to regard bodybuilders as often being about as delicate as a fine race horse--When practiced in moderation bodybuilding makes a fellow considerably more healthy and rugged than the average man, but when carried to such extremes that a man does little else, it may actually make him physically weaker, more susceptible to myriad ailments, and other undesirable manifestations. Art-Bob offers a print of the above study in size 8x10 $1.50, or choice of 3 selections $3, 6 $5. 1611 N. Avenue 56 Los Angeles 42, Calif. DOES PP'S EDITOR "MORALIZE" TOO MUCH.? Several readers have reminded us that they are quite uninterested in our comments and interpretations of pictures, drawings, legislation etc. It is our belief that the readers of a book such as Physique Pictorial are without question representative of the more intelligent stratum, as otherwise they would have no interest in the graphic idealization of beauty. Nevertheless, even some of these amaze us at times with their childlike naievete. So to those now unable to understand our "reasons" we wish God's speed in their educational processes. You can lead a horse to water, but you'd drown him before you could force him to drink. Page 16

"DOWN ON THE FARM" by Art-Bob Posed by Gary Johnson found in AMG's catalog YU13. A good many of the so-called natural builds which this writer has seen in his work as photographer for Athletic Model Guild, have been young men raised on farms, From down til dusk the farmer is using one set of muscles after another, from every conceivable angle. Thousands of barbell presses would be required to equal the muscle building effects of one'day's pitching of hay. Then too, all of the farmer youth's pleasures center about physical activity-Swimming, riding and other rugged outdoor sports. Such a life is certain to produce healthy robust people, the backbone of our country. PHYSIQUE PHOTOGRAPHY 2056 A.D. We feel that future generations studying our times will be amazed and amused that pseudo-morality rather than integral quality should be such a significant factor in preparation of art forms. Whenever the writer is shooting photographs he is often outraged that he must cope with the position of a posing pouch or string, or concern himself of whether it is body or pubic hair that is visible on the model's abdomen. Shaving the area clean almost calls attention by its absence.

Busy censorship groups have made such a diligent effort to call our attention to tawdriness, that many people now refuse to read a book or see a play or movie unless it has been banned or forbidden somewhere. This starvation for the "forbidden" has many unhealthy manifestations, placing a disproportionate emphasis on sensuality. In truth, there is nothing in this creation which is not suitable subject matter for artistic presentation. If all matter were presented freely and openly, sex would not be nearly so popular a theme as it is now under present repressions. Page 17